Cover: The Worst and Best Time of My Life
Bodo Dr Schiffmann
The Worst and Best Time of My Life
- From Vertigo Doctor to Conspiracy Expert
ISBN: 978-3-936-76760-5
196 Seiten | € 27.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Bodo Dr Schiffmann

The Worst and Best Time of My Life

From Vertigo Doctor to Conspiracy Expert

What exactly drives a successful, media expert and socially recognized vertigo doctor to jeopardise his reputation and livelihood to educate people about Corona and other aberrations? Why is the sought-after ENT doctor so sure that politics and the mainstream media mostly do not act for the good of the the people? How did he recognise that a lot of things have gone wrong in our society, and not just since the pandemic? What can each and every one of us contribute to get out of this
crisis to create a better future?

Open, honest and self-critical, Dr Bodo Schiffmann uses his own path of development to shed light on current events in politics, the media and society in his latest book. An enlightening book that informs, encourages, provides tips and touches on a human level - for every person who is ready to make new experiences.
Who is Dr Bodo Schiffmann, who as an ENT physician, vertigo expert and emergency doctor has put his entire existence at stake for the enlightenment around Corona?
What makes him so sure that politics and mainstream media are not acting for the good of the people here and what can each and every individual contribute to a better future?

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 20,9 cm / B 14,2 cm / -
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 27.00
Preis ATEUR 27.80
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Über den Autor

Bodo Schiffmann was recognised by the media as a successful ENT doctor and expert on vertigo until he began to take away people's fear of corona using scientific facts.
Since his childhood, he has stood up for the rights of others, even if he gets in trouble for it. From his parents and grandparents, who themselves fought against Adolf Hitler, he learned to recognise already the first signs of totalitarianism and to stand up for freedom.

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