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Abdi, Mohameddeq Ali

Mohameddeq Ali Abdi
Nationality: Somalia
Born : 3. April 1983 in Mogadishu/Somalia
Adress: Ober Boberg 34 21031 Hamburg
Email mdek1200 @

1. Education and qualifications:
Master International Management Hochschule Furtwangen University Germany
2. My great interest in politics. I have had during my professional work in
Mogadishu-Somalia often chances to collaborate with the former United Nations
representative in Somalia, Dr. Augustina Philip Mahiga; also with the UN-General Secretary Antonio Guterres, when he was the head of the UNHCR-UN-Refugee Agency. Also with Dr. Thomas Walsh, President of the Universal Peace Federation
as well Hasan Sheikh Mohamoud (former President of Somalia). I have participated
in different conferences in Nairobi/Kenya and other African cities. My political interests
and my experiences have founded to identify the problem in Somalia
3-I am the founder and current leader of the Institute of Youth Security Economic
stabilization in Somalia. To focus only on research such as Political, Economic,
Security. Institute Youth Economic Security stabilization in Somalia. Provide
opportunities and training to the entire youth in Somalia. Also provides training,
Research and Capacity Building to Local Authorities and Civil Society in supporting
Good Governance within the Local Authorities and Community initiatives and
advocacy protection for all human beings to create a positive environment and develop
society, Politically, Economically throughout the nation. Visit
My passion has grown up since I was 7 years old. That passion gave me
strong and spending more time deep inside the politics in Somalia.
5. I speak Somali language (mother language), English, and German in word and script, in less extent
Arabic too.
best regards
Mohameddeq Ali Abd