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Albrecht, Angelika Dorothea

The author, Angelika Dorothea Albrecht, born in 1940, has been engaged in Anthroposophy for 40 years. During her daughter's visiting the Waldorf Kindergarten and Rudolf Steiner School she participated in diverse events and took more and more interest in anthroposophical pedagogy, nourishment, medicine, spiritual science etc. In 2016 she published "Mein Engelbuch" and in 2021 "Ein Bau erobert die Welt - Das Goetheanum als Symbol der Anthroposophie". Two years later she had finished the English translation which resulted in the edition of "The Triumph of Spirit - Anthroposophy's Goetheanum Attracts the World".


This book selectively describes the events around Anthroposophy in the early years of the 20th century and the lives of that young people from all over the world who mentally and physically committed themselves to this spiritual science. Beginning with Anthroposophy's spiritus rector Rudolf Steiner, continuing with the establishment of the Anthroposophical Society, going on with the erection of the extraordinary first Goetheanum building as of 1913 and its destruction by fire 1922/23.