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Ananda, Adam Art

Adam Art Ananda was born in Hamburg, Germany, in 1963, and he worked as a software developer for over 30 years. Art has worked for several top 500 companies such as Dupont, Dresdner Bank, Commerzbank, and Zürcher Kantonalbank, to name just a few. After experiencing a burnout and a near-death experience, he decided not to work for profit anymore. Since 2016, he has been writing open-source software. He has also authored the following books: "Camp Eden - How We Recreated Our Paradise" and "Step Out - Guideline to Step Out of the System." Since 2016, he has been living in his motorhome, currently in Portugal, and playing the guitar on the street for a few coins.
It's a simple life.
Der Wandel des Geldes</a>

Der Wandel des Geldes

In seinem Buch "Der Wandel des Geldes" gibt der Autor einen fesselnden Einblick in die Zukunft des Zahlungsmittels und die damit verbundene ökonomische Transformation. Als ehemaliger Softwareentwickler für Banken in Frankfurt und Zürich konnte der Autor hautnah miterleben, wie Banken mit unserem Geld spekulieren und dabei eine große Derivate-Blase erschaffen.

Mastering the Art of Manifestation</a>

Mastering the Art of Manifestation

- Unlock the Secrets of Manifestation and Transform Your Life! -Are you searching for a way to turn your dreams into reality? Do you want to harness the incredible power of your mind to manifest your deepest desires? Look no further! "Mastering the Art of Manifestation" is your ultimate guide to creating the life you've always envisioned.