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André, Tobias

Die Herausgeber verfügen über langjährige Beratungspraxis auf dem Gebiet des öffentlichen Beschaffungswesens. Die Autoren sind Rechtsanwälte, Vergabepraktiker aus Vergabekammern sowie OLG-Richter.



The aim of this commentary is to serve as a reliable and competent guide to public procurement law in Germany. It provides legal practitioners for contracting authorities and bidders with a quick and reliable overview of all the regulations relevant to procurement projects and the preparation of bids, their interpretation and legal protection under public procurement law.



The aim of this commentary is to serve as a reliable and competent guide to public procurement law in Germany. It provides legal practitioners for contracting authorities and bidders with a quick and reliable overview of all the regulations relevant to procurement projects and the preparation of bids, their interpretation and legal protection under public procurement law.



The aim of this commentary is to serve as a reliable and competent guide to public procurement law in Germany. It provides legal practitioners for contracting authorities and bidders with a quick and reliable overview of all the regulations relevant to procurement projects and the preparation of bids, their interpretation and legal protection under public procurement law.