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Araújo de Oliveira, Vítor Manuel

Vítor Oliveira is the President of the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF) and the President of the Portuguese-Language Network of Urban Morphology (PNUM). He is Principal Researcher at the Research Centre for Territory Transports and Environment (CITTA / FEUP) and ‘Professor Auxiliar’ of Urban Morphology and Urban Planning at ULP. He is Associate Editor of ‘Urban Morphology’, Advisory Editor of ‘The Urban Book Series’ (Springer) and Fouding Editor of the ‘Revista de Morfologia Urbana’ (2013-18).

Urban Morphology</a>

Urban Morphology

'This is a textbook about cities or, more precisely, about the physical form of cities. It provides an overview of the main elements of urban form—streets, street blocks, plots and buildings—structuring our cities and the fundamental agents and processes of transformation shaping these elements.