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Aslama Horowitz, Minna

Minna Aslama Horowitz is Docent at the University of Helsinki, Finland, a Fellow at the Media and Journalism Research Centre, UK, and St. John’s University, New York, USA.

Hannu Nieminen is Professor Emeritus of media and communications policy, at the University of Helsinki, Finland, and Professor of Communication, at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania. Currently, he is also Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.

Katja Lehtisaari is a Senior Lecturer in Journalism at Tampere University, Finland, and Docent at the University of Helsinki, Finland.

Alessandro D'Arma is Reader in Media and Communication and Director of the CAMRI PhD Programme, University of Westminster, UK.

Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption</a>

Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption

This open-access volume argues that in a functioning democracy, citizens should be equally capable of making informed choices about matters of social importance. This includes citizens accessing all relevant information and knowledge necessary for informed will formation.

Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption</a>

Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption

This open-access volume argues that in a functioning democracy, citizens should be equally capable of making informed choices about matters of social importance. This includes citizens accessing all relevant information and knowledge necessary for informed will formation.

Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption</a>

Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption

This open-access volume argues that in a functioning democracy, citizens should be equally capable of making informed choices about matters of social importance. This includes citizens accessing all relevant information and knowledge necessary for informed will formation.