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Babel, Wolfgang

Dr. Wolfgang Babel has made two pH.D. thesis in Electectriacal Engineering in sensor systems as well as in AI and ANN,. He knows the automation business since more than 40 years. He has contributed a lot specifics to the automation businesses in 5 major groups of companies.

Internet of Things und Industrie 4.0</a>

Internet of Things und Industrie 4.0

Die Ursprünge von IoT gehen von Kevin Ashton zurück bis zu den RFID-Sensoren in den 70er Jahren. Industrie 4.0 basiert ebenfalls auf den Ideen von IoT mit dem wesentlichen Punkt der globalen Internetkommunikation: Wer IoT sagt, meint Industrie 4.0 und umgekehrt.

Industry 4.0, China 2025, IoT</a>

Industry 4.0, China 2025, IoT

The book gives an overview about automation technology over the last 50 years, based on my own experiences. It is a good summery for automation since 1970 for all who want to know about the context of automation developments and their standards. It is a fundamental summery and enables the reader to get experience in the complex field of automation.

Industry 4.0, China 2025, IoT</a>

Industry 4.0, China 2025, IoT

The book gives an overview about automation technology over the last 50 years, based on my own experiences. It is a good summery for automation since 1970 for all who want to know about the context of automation developments and their standards. It is a fundamental summery and enables the reader to get experience in the complex field of automation.