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Bacon, Simon

Simon Bacon is an award-winning writer and film critic based in Poznań, Poland. He is the Series Editor for Genre Fiction and Film Companions with Peter Lang, to which he has also contributed The Gothic (2018), Horror (2019), Monsters (2020) and Transmedia Cultures (2021). He is also the editor of Transmedia Vampires (2021), Nosferatu in the 21st Century (2022) and The Anthropocene and the Undead (2022). He has published a series of monographs on vampires in popular culture: Becoming Vampire: Difference and the Vampire in Popular Culture (2016), Dracula as Absolute Other (2019), Eco-Vampires (2020), Vampires from Another World (2021) and 1000 Vampires on Screen (forthcoming).

The Undead in the 21st Century</a>

The Undead in the 21st Century

«Beyond the narrow application to the pop-cultural zombie, Simon Bacon’s editorial definition of the concept of being «undead» generates discussions in each chapter that creatively engage with the full agenda of critical debates in studies of horror and the gothic.