- Publikationen ca: 2
- Buchbewertungen ca: 67
- Gefolgt von 1 Nutzern
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Barth, Nadine
MAX SIEDENTOPF (*1991, Windhoek, Namibia) – Künstler, Fotograf, Regisseur für Videos und freier Art Director – war von 2013 bis 2020 als Creative Director tätig. Er ist Gründer des Kunst-Magazins Ordinary.
Nick Brandt
The Day May Break, photographed in Zimbabwe and Kenya in late 2020, is the first part of a global series portraying people and animals that have been impacted by environmental degradation and destruction. The people in the photos were all affected by climate change, displaced by cyclones and years-long droughts.
Max Siedentopf
Paintings League tries to answer the age-old question: “How do you make art for people who usually don’t like art?” After much investigation, the artist Max Siedentopf concluded that people who avoid museums and galleries are often the same people who would rather spend their time watching football.