Kein Foto

Bashkin, Vladimir N.

Vladimir N. Bashkin - Principal researcher of the Institute of physical, chemical and biological problems of soil science of Pushchino Research Center RAS, Professor, doctor of biological Sciences. His main research interests are biogeochemistry, geoecology, risk assessment. Author of more than 400 works.

Olga P. Trubitsina, PhD (geography), Ass. Prof., Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk. Her main research interests are geoecology and risk assessment in the Arctic. Author of more than 80 works.
Geoecological and Geopolitical Risks for the Oil and Gas Industry in the Arctic</a>

Geoecological and Geopolitical Risks for the Oil and Gas Industry in the Arctic

This book discusses issues of geoecological (GER) and geopolitical (GPR) risks due to hydrocarbon development of the Arctic. The authors explain the ethical and philosophical foundations of understanding environmental equity and justice in relation to the development of Arctic natural resources and consider various approaches to the moral aspects of making global management decisions in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety.