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Bauer, Nicole

Nicole Bauer is Assistant Professor of European History at the University of Tulsa in the USA. A cultural historian of early modern France, she is particularly interested in pulling threads from different directions to understand and uncover the cultural origins of political and social movements.

Tracing the Shadow of Secrecy and Government Transparency in Eighteenth-Century France</a>

Tracing the Shadow of Secrecy and Government Transparency in Eighteenth-Century France

This book traces changing attitudes towards secrecy in eighteenth-century France, and explores the cultural origins of ideas surrounding government transparency. The idea of keeping secrets, both on the part of individuals and on the part of governments, came to be viewed with more suspicion as the century progressed.

Tracing the Shadow of Secrecy and Government Transparency in Eighteenth-Century France</a>

Tracing the Shadow of Secrecy and Government Transparency in Eighteenth-Century France

This book traces changing attitudes towards secrecy in eighteenth-century France, and explores the cultural origins of ideas surrounding government transparency. The idea of keeping secrets, both on the part of individuals and on the part of governments, came to be viewed with more suspicion as the century progressed.

Tracing the Shadow of Secrecy and Government Transparency in Eighteenth-Century France</a>

Tracing the Shadow of Secrecy and Government Transparency in Eighteenth-Century France

This book traces changing attitudes towards secrecy in eighteenth-century France, and explores the cultural origins of ideas surrounding government transparency. The idea of keeping secrets, both on the part of individuals and on the part of governments, came to be viewed with more suspicion as the century progressed.