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Beck, Daniel

Daniel Beck is a research fellow at the chair of International Relations, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany. He holds a Master degree in Peace and Conflict Studies. His research focus is on discourse analysis, post-structuralist approaches and humour. His recent research focused on the role of humour in social conflicts and radicalization.
Dr. Julia Renner-Mugono was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Political Science at Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Germany. Her PhD thesis focused on water-related conflicts in Kenya and Uganda. Her research focussed on resource conflicts, sustainability issues and how the unavailability of resources are pathways for radicalization processes. She now works as an Environmental and Social Expert at an International Development Organisationen. 
Radicalization and Variations of Violence</a>

Radicalization and Variations of Violence

This book focusses on the interaction between different kinds of violence and radicalization. Current research criticizes linear models of radicalization and assumes that individuals are involved in radical actions even without extremist preferences. In recent years, the research on radicalization and the use of violence has increasingly been focused on this phenomenon of individual radicalization.

Radicalization and Variations of Violence</a>

Radicalization and Variations of Violence

This book focusses on the interaction between different kinds of violence and radicalization. Current research criticizes linear models of radicalization and assumes that individuals are involved in radical actions even without extremist preferences. In recent years, the research on radicalization and the use of violence has increasingly been focused on this phenomenon of individual radicalization.

Radicalization and Variations of Violence</a>

Radicalization and Variations of Violence

This book focusses on the interaction between different kinds of violence and radicalization. Current research criticizes linear models of radicalization and assumes that individuals are involved in radical actions even without extremist preferences. In recent years, the research on radicalization and the use of violence has increasingly been focused on this phenomenon of individual radicalization.