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Ben Hounet, Yazid

Yazid Ben Hounet is a social anthropologist and research fellow at the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique and member of the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale (CNRS, Collège de France, EHESS). His research concerns the intersection of legal and political anthropology, particularly in Muslim contexts.

Crime and Compensation in North Africa</a>

Crime and Compensation in North Africa

As the 21st century began, Algeria, Morocco, and North Sudan launched some much-publicised “reconciliation” policies, or, in the case of North Sudan, “pacification” policies. Algeria, following its Clemency policy (1995) and Civil Concord Law (1999), held a referendum in 2005 and subsequently implemented the measures of its Charter for Peace and National Reconciliation.

Crime and Compensation in North Africa</a>

Crime and Compensation in North Africa

As the 21st century began, Algeria, Morocco, and North Sudan launched some much-publicised “reconciliation” policies, or, in the case of North Sudan, “pacification” policies. Algeria, following its Clemency policy (1995) and Civil Concord Law (1999), held a referendum in 2005 and subsequently implemented the measures of its Charter for Peace and National Reconciliation.