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Bereketeab, Redie

Redie Bereketeab is Associate Professor of Sociology and Senior Researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute at Uppsala University, Sweden. His latest publications include: National Liberation Movements as Government in Africa (2019), and Alternatives to Neoliberal Peacebuilding and Statebuilding in Africa (2021). His research interest include political sociology, development sociology, African studies, conflict, peacebuilding, regional integration.

Historical Sociology of State Formation in the Horn of Africa</a>

Historical Sociology of State Formation in the Horn of Africa

This book analyses the historical sociology of state formation in the Horn of Africa. It examines the genesis, trajectories, processes, routes and consequences of the evolution of state formation. Three analytical and explanatory models explain the process of state formation in the HOA: proto-state, colonial and national liberation.

Historical Sociology of State Formation in the Horn of Africa</a>

Historical Sociology of State Formation in the Horn of Africa

This book analyses the historical sociology of state formation in the Horn of Africa. It examines the genesis, trajectories, processes, routes and consequences of the evolution of state formation. Three analytical and explanatory models explain the process of state formation in the HOA: proto-state, colonial and national liberation.

Historical Sociology of State Formation in the Horn of Africa</a>

Historical Sociology of State Formation in the Horn of Africa

This book analyses the historical sociology of state formation in the Horn of Africa. It examines the genesis, trajectories, processes, routes and consequences of the evolution of state formation. Three analytical and explanatory models explain the process of state formation in the HOA: proto-state, colonial and national liberation.