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Berkofsky, Axel

Axel Berkofsky is Associate Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Pavia, Italy. He is the University of Pavia’s Delegate for Asia and the Asia-Pacific Region. Furthermore, Dr. Berkofsky is Co-Head of the Asia Centre at the Milan-based Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI) and Research Affiliate at the European Institute of Japanese Studies at the Stockholm School of Economics. Furthermore, he is co-founder and Executive Committee Board Member at the Stockholm-based European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN) and Member of the Executive Committee of the Canon Foundation.  Previously, Dr. Berkofsky has worked as Senior Policy Analyst and Senior Associate Policy Analyst at the Brussels-based European Policy Centre (EPC) and Senior Research Fellow at the Brussels-based European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS). He has published books, numerous journal articles, essays, research papers and newspaper articles and is former freelance correspondent for the Asia Times. Axel has taught and lectured at numerous think tanks, research institutes and universities in Europe and Asia. His research interests are Chinese history, Cold War Politics and History in Asia, Japanese Chinese foreign and security policies and EU-China/EU-Japan relations.

China-GDR Relations from 1949 to 1989</a>

China-GDR Relations from 1949 to 1989

This book provides an in-depth analysis of the relations between China and the German Democratic Republic (GDR) from 1949 to 1989. These relations were characterized by some “ups” but many more “downs,” e.g. when, in the early 1960s, the Soviet Union ordered its vassal state in East Berlin to begin treating its former socialist comrade and brother-in-arms as an adversary and indeed enemy.