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Zentral, dezentral, verteilt</a>

Zentral, dezentral, verteilt

Blockchain ist weit mehr als Bitcoins und bietet Vorteile für viele Branchen. Seit der Einführung von Blockchain im Jahr 2009 hat sich die Technologie kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt. Dennoch sind Diskussionen über die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Blockchain weiterhin stark von Kryptowährungen geprägt, seit 2021 auch von sogenannten Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT).

Zentral, dezentral, verteilt</a>

Zentral, dezentral, verteilt

Blockchain is much more than bitcoins and offers benefits for many industries. Since the introduction of blockchain in 2009, the technology has been continuously developed. Nevertheless, discussions about blockchain applications are still heavily influenced by cryptocurrencies and, since 2021, also by so-called non-fungible tokens (NFT).

Creative through AI</a>

Creative through AI

Studies suggest that we have fewer and fewer new and ground-breaking ideas, even though research investments are higher than ever. One great hope to reaccelerate the pace of innovation lies in artificial intelligence (AI). However, radical innovation—ideas that fundamentally change the status quo — requires skills that are usually only ascribed to humans: asking surprising and new types of questions, identifying associations between unrelated fields and conducting exploratory experiments.