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Bischoff, Lisa

Lisa Bischoff is a science editor and writer at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. She is a contributing author to The Road to Brexit: A cultural perspective on British attitudes to Europe (2020). Her research interests include cultural narratives, dystopian fiction, British-EU relations and EU studies.
British Novels and the European Union</a>

British Novels and the European Union

This book looks at the cultural, political and economic conditions of British Euroscepticism. Focusing on eight British dystopian novels, published in the years before the decisive In/Out-Referendum, and taking into account cultural, political and economic contexts, Lisa Bischoff shows how the novels’ stance towards the integration project range from slight criticism to outright hostility.

British Novels and the European Union</a>

British Novels and the European Union

This book looks at the cultural, political and economic conditions of British Euroscepticism. Focusing on eight British dystopian novels, published in the years before the decisive In/Out-Referendum, and taking into account cultural, political and economic contexts, Lisa Bischoff shows how the novels’ stance towards the integration project range from slight criticism to outright hostility.

British Novels and the European Union</a>

British Novels and the European Union

This book looks at the cultural, political and economic conditions of British Euroscepticism. Focusing on eight British dystopian novels, published in the years before the decisive In/Out-Referendum, and taking into account cultural, political and economic contexts, Lisa Bischoff shows how the novels’ stance towards the integration project range from slight criticism to outright hostility.