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Bleier, Roman

Roman Bleier, who holds a PhD in Digital Arts and Humanities from the Department of History, Trinity College Dublin, is a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Information Modelling–Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities at the University of Graz. His research interests include digital scholarly editing and digital history.

Brian Coleman is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin and a former Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholar. His doctoral thesis focused on office and society in late medieval Ireland.

Clare Fletcher holds a PhD in Medieval Literature from the School of English, Trinity College Dublin, where she is currently teaching. A former Trinity College Postgraduate Scholar, her research interests lie mainly in late fourteenth-century English poetry and she has published on both Chaucer and Gower.

Memory and Identity in the Medieval and Early Modern World</a>

Memory and Identity in the Medieval and Early Modern World

In both past and modern societies the concepts of memory and identity have been inextricably intertwined. Memory, through its power of recollection and reflection, is perceived as a central and necessary pathway for self-discovery, self-expression, and self-knowledge crucial to an understanding of the physical and spiritual world.