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Blincoe, Karen

Karen Blincoe, originally educated in design, obtained her PhD in sustainability at the University of Kingston, London, UK and MPhil at the University of Brighton, UK. 

Dr. Blincoe has pioneered sustainability initiatives such as founding the ICIS Center and co-founding Chora 2030 in Denmark. She was previously Director of Schumacher College, UK, Visiting Professor at the University of Brighton, and Reader in Sustainable Futures, Goldsmith's University, London. Dr. Blincoe was President of Danish Designers, DK, and Vice-president of ICoD. She is currently a consultant, advisor, and writer on sustainability issues; a member of the Danish Design Council, DK and of the Royal Society of Arts, UK; a boardmember of Chora 2030 and of Samsø Energy Academy, DK.

Achieving Sustainability: The Ultimate Human Challenge</a>

Achieving Sustainability: The Ultimate Human Challenge

The book provides an assessment of whether sustainability is realizable in the current societal framework. What are the challenges and the barriers - and what are the levers necessary to meet and overcome them? Through a revision of the essence of sustainability the book provides an opportunity to understand the deeper level of the radical change that sustainability represents, and the resistance that is preventing its realization.

Vejen til et Regenerativt og HIP Univers</a>

Vejen til et Regenerativt og HIP Univers

Vi står med dette århundredes største udfordring og håb: At skabe en verden, hvor vi lever forsvarligt og i balance med naturen. Det vil sige at leve bæredygtigt. Det ønsker vi at bidrage til med denne bog.Bogen reflekterer over tingenes tilstand og viser veje, som vi alle kan følge både i familien, i lokal- samfundet og i en universel kontekst.

Achieving Sustainability: The Ultimate Human Challenge</a>

Achieving Sustainability: The Ultimate Human Challenge

The book provides an assessment of whether sustainability is realizable in the current societal framework. What are the challenges and the barriers - and what are the levers necessary to meet and overcome them?Through a revision of the essence of sustainability the book provides an opportunity to understand the deeper level of the radical change that sustainability represents, and the resistance that is preventing its realization.

Achieving Sustainability: The Ultimate Human Challenge</a>

Achieving Sustainability: The Ultimate Human Challenge

The book provides an assessment of whether sustainability is realizable in the current societal framework. What are the challenges and the barriers - and what are the levers necessary to meet and overcome them?Through a revision of the essence of sustainability the book provides an opportunity to understand the deeper level of the radical change that sustainability represents, and the resistance that is preventing its realization.