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Die Blindeninstitutsstiftung, Sitz in Würzburg, bietet ein alle Lebensbereiche umfassendes Unterstützungsangebot für sehbehinderte und blinde Menschen.

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Sehen im Alter

We live in an ageing society. This means not only that there are increasing numbers of people in need of care, but also that a strong increase in the numbers of visually impaired senior citizens can be expected in the coming years, as visual impairment is a phenomenon associated with ageing in Germany.

Sehen im Alter</a>

Sehen im Alter

We live in an ageing society. This means not only that there are increasing numbers of people in need of care, but also that a strong increase in the numbers of visually impaired senior citizens can be expected in the coming years, as visual impairment is a phenomenon associated with ageing in Germany.