Kein Foto

Blume, Torsten / Schäfer, Siegfried / Schneider, Katja

T. Lux Feininger und seine Bauhausfamilie

Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau

T. Lux Feininger und seine Bauhausfamilie

Theodore Lux Feininger (1910–2011), the youngest son of Julia and Lyonel Feininger, was a GermanAmerican photographer and painter. In 1926 he began making a record of his family in Dessau,chronicling them with his camera and in texts he wrote.This softback edition reveals the enthusiasm shown not only by the Bauhaus master Lyonel Feiningerbut ultimately by all the Feiningers for fantastic and imaginary realities as well as for artisticallyinternalized notions of time and nature.