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Bobbert, Monika

Settimio Monteverde, Prof. (FH), Dr. sc. med., ist Dozent an der Berner Fachhochschule, Departement Gesundheit und Co-Leiter Klinische Ethik am Universitätsspital Zürich/Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik und Medizingeschichte, Universität Zürich.

Handbuch Pflegeethik</a>

Handbuch Pflegeethik

Health care involves ethical complexities that also affect nursing care: How can an ethically correct approach be recognized in borderline moral situations? When are resources being fairly distributed, and what is the relationship between ethics and economic considerations in nursing practice? What is the ethical significance of concepts such as vulnerability and advanced nursing practice? How can nurses in an interprofessional team help shape ethical decision-making? How can ethics be taught, and what are the characteristics of ethically considered nursing research? How should robotics be regarded ethically in everyday nursing care, and what does migration-sensitive nursing ethics look like? This handbook brings together the views of international experts on these and other topics.