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Bock, Sophia

After completing teacher training at the University of Potsdam, Sophia Bock is preparing a doctoral dissertation on the topic of conspiracy ideologies as a challenge for schools and teachers. Prof. Wilfried Schubarth taught on issues of young people, schools and educational research in the Department of Educational Science at the University of Potsdam until his retirement (2021).

Basiswissen Verschwörungsmythen</a>

Basiswissen Verschwörungsmythen

Von Corona-Leugnung über Pizzagate und QAnon bis zur jüdischen Weltverschwörung - Verschwörungsmythen haben Hochkonjunktur. Als verführerische Antworten auf komplexe Fragen dringen sie gerade in Krisenzeiten in die Alltagskommunikation ein, vergiften mit ihren Freund-Feind-Bildern das Meinungsklima und gefährden so das demokratische Zusammenleben.

Basiswissen Verschwörungsmythen</a>

Basiswissen Verschwörungsmythen

From Corona denial, to Pizzagate and QAnon, to the Jewish world conspiracy & conspiracy myths are experiencing a boom. Providing seductive answers to complex questions, they penetrate everyday communications, especially in times of crisis, poisoning the climate of opinion with their friend&foe images and thus endangering democratic coexistence.

Basiswissen Verschwörungsmythen</a>

Basiswissen Verschwörungsmythen

From Corona denial, to Pizzagate and QAnon, to the Jewish world conspiracy & conspiracy myths are experiencing a boom. Providing seductive answers to complex questions, they penetrate everyday communications, especially in times of crisis, poisoning the climate of opinion with their friend&foe images and thus endangering democratic coexistence.