Kein Foto

Böhm, Karin / Blaschitz, Edith

Karin Böhm completed a Master’s program in visual studies at the University for Continuing Education Krems and a fotoK course in art photography in Vienna. She was the recipient of stipends for art photography in Rome and Paris. Her work has been shown in national and international exhibitions. Her intention with the visual-textual mosaic on Stalag XVII B was to entangle her own artistic practice with historical research in order to recontextualize complex topics and to make them visible.
Nichts zu sehen?</a>

Nichts zu sehen?

Nahe der zur Stadt Krems gehörenden Ortschaft Gneixendorf befand sich im Zweiten Weltkrieg das größte Kriegsgefangenenlager auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Österreich: das Stalag XVII B Krems-Gneixendorf. Zeitweise waren hier mehr als 60.000 Kriegsgefangene unterschiedlicher Nationalitäten interniert.

Nothing Left to See?</a>

Nothing Left to See?

The largest Prisoner of War (POW) camp of World War Two on the territory of present-day Austria was located near the village of Gneixendorf outside the City of Krems: Stalag XVII B Krems-Gneixendorf. At certain times, there were as many as 60,000 POWs of various nationalities interned here.