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Broecker, Hannah

Hannah Broecker is a lecturer at the Department of Media and Communication Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich (Germany).  Previously, she has worked and taught on issues of international security studies at the Collaborative Research Centre ‘Dynamics of Security’ of the Universities Marburg (Germany) and Gießen (Germany), as well as at the University of Stuttgart (Germany). She has also been engaged with issues of international security and development at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF, Germany), the African Development Bank (Uganda), and the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (Nigeria and UK).

Securitisation as Hegemonic Discourse Formation</a>

Securitisation as Hegemonic Discourse Formation

This book offers a model for understanding securitization in terms of hegemonic discourse formations. It re-thinks the very meaning of security as well as the relationship between the understanding of security in traditional and critical approaches in security studies to find a common denominator between them.

Securitisation as Hegemonic Discourse Formation</a>

Securitisation as Hegemonic Discourse Formation

This book offers a model for understanding securitization in terms of hegemonic discourse formations. It re-thinks the very meaning of security as well as the relationship between the understanding of security in traditional and critical approaches in security studies to find a common denominator between them.

Securitisation as Hegemonic Discourse Formation</a>

Securitisation as Hegemonic Discourse Formation

This book offers a model for understanding securitization in terms of hegemonic discourse formations. It re-thinks the very meaning of security as well as the relationship between the understanding of security in traditional and critical approaches in security studies to find a common denominator between them.