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Bühlmann, Vera

Vera Bühlmann, Professorin für Architekturtheorie, Leiterin des Forschungsbereichs Architekturtheorie und Technikphilosophie, TU Wien

Architectonics Books / The Digital, a Continent?</a>

Architectonics Books / The Digital, a Continent?

In The Digital, a Continent?, the author argues in favor of a way of thinking about digital technology that draws on the new materialism. She uses photosynthesis and nuclear fission as examples of processes that are as artificial as they are natural to explain how digital technology can be viewed within the paradigm of a "communicative physics" in which poetics interacts with mathematical thinking.

Architectonics Books / The Digital, a Continent?</a>

Architectonics Books / The Digital, a Continent?

In The Digital, a Continent?, the author argues in favor of a way of thinking about digital technology that draws on the new materialism. She uses photosynthesis and nuclear fission as examples of processes that are as artificial as they are natural to explain how digital technology can be viewed within the paradigm of a "communicative physics" in which poetics interacts with mathematical thinking.