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Bürgin, Daniel

Daniel Bürgin, born 1963 in Lenzburg (Switzerland), moved 1993 for a global company to Tokyo, where he became independent in 2001, and still lives there. He has published several books.
Pures Gold</a>

Pures Gold

Ueli Rudolf ist ein ausgesprochen talentierter Juwelier, Goldschmied und versierter Emailleur, der auf dem Weg zu seinen kreativen Schmuck-Kunstwerken die verschiedenen Techniken virtuos kombiniert. Seine klassische Arbeitsweise ist inzwischen selten zu finden.

"With a Pure Heart"</a>

"With a Pure Heart"

An exciting search for traces of the provenance of a katana from the Taima-school, which was forged in the early 14th century. Three hundred years later, it came into the possession of Terao Naomasa, a high-ranking samurai and vassal of Tokugawa Yoshinao, the first lord of Owari.