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Bugh, Gary

Gary Bugh earned his MA in political science from the University of Missouri-Columbia, receiving the J. G. Heinberg Scholarship for Excellence in Political Theory, and his Ph.D. from the University at Albany, winning the University’s Distinguished Dissertation Award. Professor Bugh’s scholarship analyzes the interplay between institutions and theory in the United States. His recent works include Electoral College Reform: Challenges and Possibilities (2016). He regularly teaches courses on constitutional law, civil rights and civil liberties, and American political theory. Professor Bugh is currently the Chair of the Political Science Department and Pre-Law Program at Texas A&M University-Texarkana.
Incorporation of the Bill of Rights</a>

Incorporation of the Bill of Rights

In the first work of its kind, Incorporation of the Bill of Rights provides a detailed account of the Supreme Court’s application of federal rights to the state level. Approaching the Bill of Rights amendment by amendment and right by right, Gary Bugh’s content analysis of Court opinions reveals what justices regard as the incorporation status and most relevant case for each right.