Kein Foto

Burns, D.

DANNY BURNS is Professor of Social and Organizational Learning at the University of the West of England and co-director of SOLAR, a research and development team specializing in participatory action research and action inquiry. Before this he worked at the University of Bristol. He has also previously worked as Director of the Tenant Participation Advisory Service for Scotland, and Director of the Decentralization Research and Information Centre.

COLIN C. WILLIAMS is Reader in Economic Geography at the University of Leicester, UK.

JAN WINDEBANK is Senior Lecturer in French Studies and Associate Fellow of the Political Economy Research Centre (PERC) at the University of Sheffield, UK.
Community Self-Help</a>

Community Self-Help

This book explores the dynamics of community self help in local neighbourhoods. It shows how widespread it is, and argues that it should be considered as the third major sector of social and economic organization (alongside the state and market). Danny Burns, Colin C.