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Calarco, Roberto

Roberto Calarco is Doctor of Sociology at the Sorbonne Paris Nord University, France, and Doctor of Sociology and Methodology of Social Research at the University of Milan, Italy.
Political-Humanitarian Borderwork on the Southern European Border</a>

Political-Humanitarian Borderwork on the Southern European Border

This book focuses on the role mainstream humanitarian organizations have in the functioning of the border management system on the southern European border (i. e. Italy). In particular, the author analyses the mainstream humanitarian organizations and NGOs (i.

Political-Humanitarian Borderwork on the Southern European Border</a>

Political-Humanitarian Borderwork on the Southern European Border

This book focuses on the role mainstream humanitarian organizations have in the functioning of the border management system on the southern European border (i.e. Italy). In particular, the author analyses the mainstream humanitarian organizations and NGOs (i.