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Calvín, Pablo

Dr. Pablo Calvín is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the IGME-CSIC research center (Spain). His work is focused on the study of remagnetizations and their kinematics both in intraplate basins (Iberia and North Africa) and in fold and thrust belts (Pyrenees), a research line that began during his Ph.D. at the University of Burgos (2014-2018), and he has combined with geophysical prospecting (magnetic and gravimetric surveys) and structural and tectonic studies. 

Prof. Dr. Antonio. M. Casas Sainz is a teacher/researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Zaragoza. He has worked extensively on paleostresses, regional geology, basin analysis and basin inversion in the Iberian Chain and the Pyrenees, geometrical and analog modeling, and also in geophysical prospecting of the shallow subsurface and analysis of geological risks linked to large dams and seismicity. 

Prof. Dr. Teresa Román Berdiel is a teacher and a researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Zaragoza. She leads since 2006 one of the pioneering teams working in Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) in Spain. Her work is focused in the application of analog modeling and magnetic fabrics to the understanding of different geological processes, from the emplacement of granitic bodies in the upper crust to the geodynamic evolution of intraplate basins. 

Prof. Dr. Juan J. Villalaín is currently a teacher and a researcher at the Department of Physics of the Universidad de Burgos (UBU) and responsible for the Paleomagnetic Group and the Laboratory of Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism of the UBU. His work is focused on the application of paleomagnetism and magnetism to solve different geological (magnetostratigraphy, tectonics) and archeological problems. His main interest is focused on the study of widespread remagnetizations and their application to perform palinspastic reconstructions of intraplate basins.

Tectonic Evolution of the Moroccan High Atlas: A Paleomagnetic Perspective</a>

Tectonic Evolution of the Moroccan High Atlas: A Paleomagnetic Perspective

This book presents a significant amount of structural, paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric data in the Central High Atlas (Morocco). The authors thoroughly described and analyzed the present-day structure of this intraplate chain through 22 of cross-sections, potential field data analysis and 3D reconstruction.

Tectonic Evolution of the Moroccan High Atlas: A Paleomagnetic Perspective</a>

Tectonic Evolution of the Moroccan High Atlas: A Paleomagnetic Perspective

This book presents a significant amount of structural, paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric data in the Central High Atlas (Morocco). The authors thoroughly described and analyzed the present-day structure of this intraplate chain through 22 of cross-sections, potential field data analysis and 3D reconstruction.

Tectonic Evolution of the Moroccan High Atlas: A Paleomagnetic Perspective</a>

Tectonic Evolution of the Moroccan High Atlas: A Paleomagnetic Perspective

This book presents a significant amount of structural, paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric data in the Central High Atlas (Morocco). The authors thoroughly described and analyzed the present-day structure of this intraplate chain through 22 of cross-sections, potential field data analysis and 3D reconstruction.