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Carr Jr., Earl A.

Earl Carr possesses over twenty years of experience, working in the private sector and non-profit business organizations. Currently, Earl is the Chief Global Strategist at Pivotal Advisors where he manages the Global Research team, provides thought leadership, and spearheads the firm’s cross-border business development mandate. He is also an Adjunct Instructor at New York University’s Center for Global Affairs and a columnist at Forbes. He is fluent in Chinese.

From Trump to Biden and Beyond</a>

From Trump to Biden and Beyond

The last four years have seen significant damage in US-China relations that will take years to rebuild. Early signs within the Biden Administration indicate that an expeditious return to strong Sino-US ties is premature at best. To fully address these challenges and regain credibility both at home and abroad, the Biden team will need to recalibrate a new set of values, objectives, and thinking in redefining the most important bilateral relationship in the world.