Kein Foto

Casey, Sarah

Dr Sarah Casey is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Business and Creative Industries at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Her research centres on advocacy, and media and communication campaigning, with a particular interest in rural, regional, and remote women. She is a long-term executive member of the Australian Women’s and Gender Studies Association.
Dr Juliet Watson is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies at RMIT University, Australia. Her research interests include homelessness, gender-based violence, and feminisms. She was previously President of the Australian Women’s and Gender Studies Association.
Hashtag Feminisms</a>

Hashtag Feminisms

«This fantastic book investigates the proliferation, power and changing nature of online feminist activism. The book critically focuses on the challenges and risks of online feminist activism, as well as the capacity of activist campaigns to achieve real, transformative change.