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Castellà Andreu, Josep Maria

Josep Maria Castellà Andreu is Full Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Barcelona, Spain.

Marco Antonio Simonelli is Postdoctoral Research Fellow on Constitutional Law, University of Barcelona, Spain.

Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe</a>

Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe

This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of populism on the European democratic polity. In the last two decades, European democracies have come under strain amid growing populism. By asserting the superiority of the majority over the law, of direct democracy over representation, and claiming the necessity to defend national sovereignty against foreign interferences, the populist conception of democracy is in stark contrast with the longstanding Western notion of liberal democracy.

Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe</a>

Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe

This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of populism on the European democratic polity. In the last two decades, European democracies have come under strain amid growing populism. By asserting the superiority of the majority over the law, of direct democracy over representation, and claiming the necessity to defend national sovereignty against foreign interferences, the populist conception of democracy is in stark contrast with the longstanding Western notion of liberal democracy.

Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe</a>

Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe

This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of populism on the European democratic polity. In the last two decades, European democracies have come under strain amid growing populism. By asserting the superiority of the majority over the law, of direct democracy over representation, and claiming the necessity to defend national sovereignty against foreign interferences, the populist conception of democracy is in stark contrast with the longstanding Western notion of liberal democracy.