Kein Foto

Castro, Ann

Since 2001, Ann Castro has been helping parrots and their owners to- wards a better mutual undestanding and happier life. The focus of her work lies with resolving behavior issues such as biting, screaming and fearfulness. With Ann Castro‘s help you to will be able to
‱ resolve issues between you and your parrots
‱ build trusting relationships with your birds
‱ meet your birds‘ emotional, physical and health needs
You may find further information about Ann Castro and her birds as well as FREE downloads on her website:
Biting & Aggression: How to Solve Problem Behavior with Clicker Training. The Bird School for Parrots and other Birds</a>

Biting & Aggression: How to Solve Problem Behavior with Clicker Training. The Bird School for Parrots and other Birds

Would you and your family like to spend time with your birds without fear of being bitten?Would you like to entertain visitors without your bird attacking them?Would you like to be able to clean the cage and change the feed bowls without having to fear for the health of your fingers? Would you like for your birds to live peacefully and in harmony together?Then this book is perfect for you.

The Bird School. Clicker Training for Parrots and Other Birds

Castro, Ann

The Bird School. Clicker Training for Parrots and Other Birds

Would you like to tame your parrots and other birds? Would you like to teach them to step-up onto your hand, fly to you on command, readily return to their cages or finally leave electrical cords alone? Would you like to have meaningful interactions with your birds and to be able to build a positive relationship with them? Would you like to challenge and support your birds also mentally and to teach them fun tricks for their and your entertainment? THEN THIS BOOK IS PERFECT FOR YOU.

Clickertraining fĂŒr Papageien, Sittiche und andere Vögel</a>

Clickertraining fĂŒr Papageien, Sittiche und andere Vögel

Möchten Sie Ihre Papageien, Sittiche oder andere Vögel zĂ€hmen?Möchten Sie ihnen beibringen auf Ihre Hand zu kommen, auf Zuruf zu Ihnen zu fliegen, freiwillig in ihren KĂ€fig zurĂŒckzukehren oder endlich die Elektrokabel in Ruhe zu lassen?Möchten Sie sich sinnvoll mit Ihren Vögeln befassen und eine positive Beziehung zu ihnen aufbauen?Möchten Sie Ihre Vögel auch mental fordern und fördern und ihnen ein paar kurzweilige Tricks zur BeschĂ€ftigung beibringen?Dann ist dieses Buch genau das richtige fĂŒr Sie.