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Castro, Rui

Rui Castro is a Full Professor at the Power Systems Section, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Técnico Lisboa (IST), University of Lisbon, and a researcher at INESC-ID. He lectures the IST master’s courses on “Renewable Energy and Dispersed Power Generation” and “Economics and Energy Markets”. He published three books, one with Springer and two with IST Press (in Portuguese). He has participated in several projects with the industry, namely with EDP group, REN (Portuguese Transmission System Operator) and ERSE (Portuguese Energy Regulator). He published more than 100 papers in top international journals, covering topics on economics and energy markets, renewable energy, the impact of PV systems on the LV distribution grid, demand side management, offshore wind farms, energy resource scheduling on smart grids, water pumped storage systems, battery energy storage systems.

Engineering of Power Systems Economics</a>

Engineering of Power Systems Economics

This textbook is a comprehensive resource designed for university master's students on power systems, with a focus on engineering-related aspects. It covers all the fundamental principles of power systems economics. PhD students seeking to enhance their understanding of power systems economics from an engineering standpoint will also benefit from this book.

Engineering of Power Systems Economics</a>

Engineering of Power Systems Economics

This textbook is a comprehensive resource designed for university master's students on power systems, with a focus on engineering-related aspects. It covers all the fundamental principles of power systems economics.PhD students seeking to enhance their understanding of power systems economics from an engineering standpoint will also benefit from this book.