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Catalano, Joseph S.

Joseph S. Catalono is professor emeritus of philosophy at Kean University, USA. Some of his previous publications include Thinking Matter: Consciousness From Aristotle to Putnam and Sartre (2000), Reading Sartre: An Invitation…(2010), and The Saint and the Atheist: Thomas Aquinas and Jean-Paul Sartre (2021).

In Pursuit of Moby-Dick</a>

In Pursuit of Moby-Dick

This study presents Moby- Dick as a novel with three distinct but interconnecting stories: Ishmael’s, which he shares ten years after it has taken place; Ahab’s, which is Ishmael's account of the memorable captain of a whaling ship; and a third which centres on whales and whaling, which has not received significant critical attention.

In Pursuit of Moby-Dick</a>

In Pursuit of Moby-Dick

This study presents Moby-Dick as a novel with three distinct but interconnecting stories: Ishmael’s, which he shares ten years after it has taken place; Ahab’s, which is Ishmael's account of the memorable captain of a whaling ship; and a third which centres on whales and whaling, which has not received significant critical attention.