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Caterino, Brian

Brian Caterino is an independent researcher who worked in public media. His research interests include political theory, philosophy of social inquiry, and politics and ethics.

The Failure of the Neo-Liberal Approach to Poverty</a>

The Failure of the Neo-Liberal Approach to Poverty

This book examines the foundation and progress of the Rochester Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative (RMAPI). Poverty has once again become a major issue in American cities, and nowhere more so than Rochester, which has one of the highest rates of poverty in the nation.

The Failure of the Neo-Liberal Approach to Poverty</a>

The Failure of the Neo-Liberal Approach to Poverty

This book examines the foundation and progress of the Rochester Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative (RMAPI). Poverty has once again become a major issue in American cities, and nowhere more so than Rochester, which has one of the highest rates of poverty in the nation.

The Failure of the Neo-Liberal Approach to Poverty</a>

The Failure of the Neo-Liberal Approach to Poverty

This book examines the foundation and progress of the Rochester Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative (RMAPI). Poverty has once again become a major issue in American cities, and nowhere more so than Rochester, which has one of the highest rates of poverty in the nation.