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Croissant, Aurel
Aurel Croissant is a professor of political science at Heidelberg University, Germany. His main areas of research include comparative politics of East and Southeast Asia, democratization studies, civil–military relations, conflict studies, and comparative authoritarianism. He has twenty years of experience in teaching undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral courses in Germany, the USA, and several Asian countries. He has published 15 books, co-edited about 25 volumes and special issues, and published about 200 articles in edited volumes and academic journals such as Democratization, Party Politics, Japanese Journal of Political Science, Journal of East Asian Studies, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Pacific Review, Journal of Democracy, Asian Survey, Electoral Studies, and European Political Science Review. His publications appeared in English, German, Korean, Spanish, Indonesian, and Russian. He is the co-editor of the Journal Democratization (with Jeffrey Haynes).
Comparative Politics of Southeast Asia
This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the political systems of all ASEAN countries and Timor-Leste from a comparative perspective. It investigates the political institutions, actors, and processes in eleven states, covering democracies as well as autocratic regimes.
Die politischen Systeme Südostasiens
Aufgrund ihrer wachsenden wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung, als Ort dramatischer Demokratisierungsprozesse und als Schauplatz im "Kampf gegen den Terror" ist das Interesse an der Region Südostasien in den vergangenen Jahren stetig gewachsen. Die Studie soll dem Leser eine politikwissenschaftliche Einführung in drei zentrale Bereiche der politischen Systeme in der Region bieten: Strukturen, Prozesse und Politikergebnisse.
Die politischen Systeme Südostasiens
Dieses Buch bietet eine Einführung in die vergleichende Analyse der politischen Systeme in der Region. Die analytische Perspektive ist auf die politischen Strukturen, Akteure und Prozesse in den elf Staaten gerichtet. Es werden sowohl Demokratien als auch Autokratien untersucht.
Comparative Politics of Southeast Asia
This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the political systems of all ASEAN countries and Timor-Leste from a comparative perspective. It investigates the political institutions, actors, and processes in eleven states, covering democracies as well as autocratic regimes.
Comparative Politics of Southeast Asia
This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the political systems of all ASEAN countries and Timor-Leste from a comparative perspective. It investigates the political institutions, actors, and processes in eleven states, covering democracies as well as autocratic regimes.