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Croll, Jennifer

Jennifer Croll arbeitet als Autorin und Lektorin. Ihre Artikel ĂĽber Kultur- und Lifestyle-Themen erscheinen in Magazinen wie Nylon, Adbusters und Dazed & Confused. Sie lebt in Vancouver, Kanada.
Free the Tipple (revised ed.)</a>

Free the Tipple (revised ed.)

This new edition of the wildly popular cocktail book features revised and updated texts and a bold new cover.Sixty of the world’s coolest and most influential women are the inspiration for this refreshing and fun collection of drink recipes that are sure to bring extra zest to your cocktail shaker.



The author of "Free the Tipple" is back with another collection of delectable cocktails—this time a literary mix inspired by the world’s most iconic women writers.The 50 recipes in this volume are as unconventional, imaginative, and refreshing as the authors that inspired them.