Kein Foto

D'Amelio, Roberto

Roberto D=Amelio, a qualified psychologist and psychotherapist at Saarland University Hospital. Prof. Wolfgang Retz, Director of the Institute of Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry in the Medical Faculty of Saarland University. Prof. Alexandra Philipsen, Director of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Bonn University Hospital. Emeritus Prof. Michael Rösler, head of the Institute for Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry at Saarland University Hospital until 2018.

ADHS im Erwachsenenalter</a>

ADHS im Erwachsenenalter

This guide is intended for adults who suffer from ADHD, as well as for relatives and interested parties who want to find out more about the causes, manifestations, and accompanying symptoms of ADHD in adulthood and options for treating it. Special emphasis is given to self-management options for those affected, which have been developed on the basis of therapeutic experience and are being used successfully in practice.

ADHS im Erwachsenenalter</a>

ADHS im Erwachsenenalter

This guide is intended for adults who suffer from ADHD, as well as for relatives and interested parties who want to find out more about the causes, manifestations, and accompanying symptoms of ADHD in adulthood and options for treating it. Special emphasis is given to self-management options for those affected, which have been developed on the basis of therapeutic experience and are being used successfully in practice.