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Dangl, Oskar

Prof. Oskar Dangl teaches at the Ecclesiastical Teaching College of Vienna/Krems and is Director of the Competence Centre for Human Rights Education. Dr. Doris Lindner heads the Institute for Research and Development in the same institution.

Wie Menschenrechtsbildung gelingt</a>

Wie Menschenrechtsbildung gelingt

Die Pädagogik der Menschrechte beschäftigt sich mit der Vermittlung von Wissen und Informationen über Menschenrechte; sie beschäftigt sich gleichermaßen mit den Instrumenten und Methoden der Menschenrechtsbildung, um diese in der schulischen (und außerschulischen) sozialen Praxis auch anzuwenden.

Wie Menschenrechtsbildung gelingt</a>

Wie Menschenrechtsbildung gelingt

Human rights education is concerned with imparting knowledge and information about human rights; it is also concerned with tools and methods for human rights education for use in schools (and extracurricular) social practice. This volume provides a basic introduction to the aspects of education on human rights, education through human rights and education for human rights, with a focus on the school and teaching.

Wie Menschenrechtsbildung gelingt</a>

Wie Menschenrechtsbildung gelingt

Human rights education is concerned with imparting knowledge and information about human rights; it is also concerned with tools and methods for human rights education for use in schools (and extracurricular) social practice. This volume provides a basic introduction to the aspects of education on human rights, education through human rights and education for human rights, with a focus on the school and teaching.

Wie Menschenrechtsbildung gelingt</a>

Wie Menschenrechtsbildung gelingt

Human rights education is concerned with imparting knowledge and information about human rights; it is also concerned with tools and methods for human rights education for use in schools (and extracurricular) social practice. This volume provides a basic introduction to the aspects of education on human rights, education through human rights and education for human rights, with a focus on the school and teaching.