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de Maillard, Jacques

Jacques de Maillard is Professor of Political Science at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin, France, and of the Cesdip (Centre for sociological research on penal institutions), an interdisciplinary research center specialised on criminal justice issues.

Kristof Verfaillie is Lecturer in Criminology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. His current research focuses on the relationships between democracy, politics and crime control, focusing specifically on the effects of counterterrorism policies.

Mike Rowe is a Lecturer in Public sector Management at the University of Liverpool, UK, and Vice Chair of the EU COST Action on Police Stops. His recent research has been a long-term ethnographic study of police discretion and has recently published Police Street Powers and Criminal Justice with Geoff Pearson. 

The Politicization of Police Stops in Europe</a>

The Politicization of Police Stops in Europe

This book examines  the timely issue of police stops as a public and political issue, focussing on the European states. Contrary to much other work it focuses on wider Europe and the social and political context in which the police practice of stopping citizens emerges, develops and can be curtailed.

The Politicization of Police Stops in Europe</a>

The Politicization of Police Stops in Europe

This book examines  the timely issue of police stops as a public and political issue, focussing on the European states. Contrary to much other work it focuses on wider Europe and the social and political context in which the police practice of stopping citizens emerges, develops and can be curtailed.

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