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DeArmey, Michael H.

Michael H. DeArmey is Moorman Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the University of Southern Mississippi, USA.
The Constitution of the United States Revised and Updated</a>

The Constitution of the United States Revised and Updated

At this moment of extreme political polarization in the U. S. which has the potential to threaten the very foundations of the state, Professor Michael DeArmey proposes a revised and updated Constitution. This enriched, reborn Constitution retains much of the current Constitution but also seeks to meliorate and indeed resolve entirely many of the seemingly intractable problems in American democracy.

The Constitution of the United States Revised and Updated</a>

The Constitution of the United States Revised and Updated

At this moment of extreme political polarization in the U.S. which has the potential to threaten the very foundations of the state, Professor Michael DeArmey proposes a revised and updated Constitution. This enriched, reborn Constitution retains much of the current Constitution but also seeks to meliorate and indeed resolve entirely many of the seemingly intractable problems in American democracy.