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Deinet, Klaus

PD Dr. Klaus Deinet war wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Duisburg-Essen.

Napoleon Bonaparte</a>

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon I is still a polarizing figure even today and is usually presented either as an outstanding saviour or as an abysmal monster who was merely driven on by fast-moving events. In this concise and methodologically well-considered biography, Klaus Deinet now outlines Napoleon=s career & from his meteoric rise to his precipitous fall & as a sequence of decisions that built on each other and were essentially made by Napoleon himself.

Napoleon Bonaparte</a>

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon I is still a polarizing figure even today and is usually presented either as an outstanding saviour or as an abysmal monster who was merely driven on by fast-moving events. In this concise and methodologically well-considered biography, Klaus Deinet now outlines Napoleon=s career & from his meteoric rise to his precipitous fall & as a sequence of decisions that built on each other and were essentially made by Napoleon himself.

Napoleon Bonaparte</a>

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon I is still a polarizing figure even today and is usually presented either as an outstanding saviour or as an abysmal monster who was merely driven on by fast-moving events. In this concise and methodologically well-considered biography, Klaus Deinet now outlines Napoleon=s career & from his meteoric rise to his precipitous fall & as a sequence of decisions that built on each other and were essentially made by Napoleon himself.

Christian I. von Anhalt-Bernburg (1568-1630)</a>

Christian I. von Anhalt-Bernburg (1568-1630)

Für viele Historiker ist Christian I. von Anhalt-Bernburg ein rotes Tuch: Er war einer jener Kleinfürsten, die mit dem drohenden Krieg ein loses Spiel trieben und die konfessionellen Spannungen anheizten. Zudem galt er als Spieler und Hasardeur. Doch gleichzeitig wird er bis heute als weiser Staatsmann gepriesen: Als einer der wenigen in Deutschland vermochte er über die Grenzen des im Augsburger Kompromiss erstarrten Reiches hinauszublicken und die drohenden Gefährdungen für Deutschland klar zu erkennen.