- Publikationen ca: 6
- Buchbewertungen ca: 4
- Gefolgt von 1 Nutzern
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Dietrich, Walter
Prof. Dr. Walter Dietrich lehrt Altes Testament an der Universität Bern.
Die Welt der Hebräischen Bibel
A comprehensive, reliable and up-to-date scholarly introduction to the world of the Hebrew Bible - its cultural setting, literary form, social backgrounds, ritual nature, and its images of humanity and of God. The 33 sections are written by selected specialists from various denominations and all German-speaking countries.
Die Welt der Hebräischen Bibel
A comprehensive, reliable and up-to-date scholarly introduction to the world of the Hebrew Bible - its cultural setting, literary form, social backgrounds, ritual nature, and its images of humanity and of God. The 33 sections are written by selected specialists from various denominations and all German-speaking countries.
The Book of Samuel and Its Response to Monarchy
Power comprises one of the key topics of the book of Samuel. This theme encompasses tribal contentions, power differentials between religious authorities and kings, fathers and sons, men and women. The articles assembled here explore Israel's search for political identity and Samuel's critique of monarchy, the book's constructions of power and powerlessness, and the editors' and early audiences' postmonarchic reflections.
Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah
The distinctiveness of this commentary lies in its consistent rotation between synchronic and diachronic views. This double perspective is directed toward the three prophetic books as a single entity, toward each individual book, and toward the interpretation of each pericope.
Nahum Habakuk Zefanja
Die Kommentierung hat ihre Besonderheit im konsequenten Wechsel zwischen synchroner und diachroner Sichtweise. Diese doppelte Perspektive richtet sich auf die drei Prophetenschriften insgesamt, auf jede einzelne von ihnen und auf jeden auszulegenden Abschnitt.
Die frühe Königszeit in Israel
Die hebräische Erzählkunst erreicht in den Geschichten von Saul, David und Salomo höchstes Niveau. In der Schilderung lebensvoller Charaktere und dramatischer Ereignisabläufe spiegelt sich ein Epochenbruch, der bestimmend wurde für ein halbes Jahrtausend israelitischer Geschichte.