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Doris, König

Prof. Dr. Doris König, born in Kiel in 1957. Studied law at Christian-Albrechts-Universität (Kiel), 1982 awarded Master of Comparative Law, University of Miami School of Law, 1989 awarded Dr. jur. degree (CAU Kiel), 1998 Habilitation (CAU Kiel), Venia legendi for Public Law, General Theory of State, International and European Law. 2000 Appointed professor at Bucerius Law School, Hamburg. 2004–2014 Member of the Advisory Council on International Law, German Federal Foreign Office. 2007–2015 Member of the board of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes). Since 2008 German Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague. 2012–2014 Dean, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg. Since June 2014 Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court. Since June 2020 Appointed Vice-President of the Federal Constitutional Court and presiding Justice of the Second Senate.
Der Rechtsstaat in der Krise - Was tun?</a>

Der Rechtsstaat in der Krise - Was tun?

With the "Thyssen Lectures" the Fritz Thyssen Foundation is continuing a tradition that is initiated beginning in Germany in 1979 and followed by venues at a series of universitites in the Czech Republic, Israel, the Russian Republic and, most recently, in Turkey.