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Douglas, Terry
Douglas B. Terry is a principal researcher at the Microsoft Research Silicon Valley laboratory. His research focuses on the design and implementation of novel distributed systems and addresses issues such as information management, fault-tolerance, and mobility. He currently is serving as chair of ACM's Special Interest Group on Operating Systems (SIGOPS). Before joining Microsoft, Doug was the cofounder and CTO of Cogenia, chief scientist of the Computer Science Laboratory at Xerox PARC, and an adjunct professor in the Computer Science Division at UC Berkeley, where he regularly teaches a graduate course on distributed systems. Doug has a PhD in computer science from UC Berkeley.
Replicated Data Management for Mobile Computing
Managing data in a mobile computing environment invariably involves caching or replication. In many cases, a mobile device has access only to data that is stored locally, and much of that data arrives via replication from other devices, PCs, and services.