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Populism, Protest, and New Forms of Political Organisation</a>

Populism, Protest, and New Forms of Political Organisation

Das vergangene Jahrzehnt war gekennzeichnet durch neue Formen des Protests auf öffentlichen Plätzen: vom Zucotti Park zum Maidan, von den Kreisverkehrbesetzungen durch die Gelbwesten oder den Anti-Corona-Maßnahmen-Protesten der Querdenken-Bewegung.

Populism, Protest, and New Forms of Political Organisation</a>

Populism, Protest, and New Forms of Political Organisation

The past decade saw new forms of protest in public squares around the world: from Zuccotti Park to Maidan, from the Yellow Vests’ roundabout occupations to the Querdenker anti-lockdown protests. The performative enactment of an unredeemed ‘people’ reclaiming its rightful sovereignty in such locations suggests intersections with both populism—whose meteoric rise also defined the decade—as well as new forms of political organisation that emerged in the wake of the post-2010 protest wave, from ‘digital parties’ to ‘movement parties’.